Friday, July 25, 2008

Ni Hao from the Olympic Green!

Ni Hao (hello!)
As I near the end of my first week in Beijing, I thought it would be about time for me to present my first round of pictures.  I hope you enjoy them!

A couple of days ago, I was able to sneak out of the IBC (International Broadcast Center) to tour a few of the wonderful venues here on the Beijing Olympic Green.  The first stop was the Ling Long Pagoda, an amazing structure with an even more amazing view.  This incredible feat of engineering will host the main RHBs (Right's Holding Broadcasters) during the games.

check out the view!

in two weeks this space will be filled with hundreds if thousands of people!

the IBC a.k.a. "My Office"

a bridge painted to resemble water.  clever.

The National Aquatics Center a.k.a. the "Water Cube"

The National Stadium a.k.a. the "Bird's Nest"

Luke and the Cube:

Cube n' Nest

this one is for your desktop background (click for high-res)

Here is the Pangu Plaza, a quite impressive 7-star hotel right next to the green:

I am having a wonderful time here in Beijing, I wish you all could join me!  I miss you all, please feel free to drop me an email or post some comments on the blog.  Yesterday I went on a 10k hike atop the Great Wall... I'll post pictures soon!

Until then, enjoy this panoramic shot that I stitched together.  


Jack_Acid said...

7 stars! Wow China is so awesome their hotels are two stars better then any hotel in the world evar!

Unknown said...

Totally excellent pics. Keep em coming. What an experience.

Olga said...

That hotel has more stars than there are olympic rings! china is so awesome! We miss you, too! Don't make noxious fumes at the IBC!! Love ~Om

Anonymous said...

Wow. Amazing stuff. I can't wait to see the pics from the Great Wall!

IrinaZiv said...

Did anyone mentioned that this experience and these pictures are amazing... Oh, I guess they did... Dido here!!!
Enjoy every minute of it, be safe and hurry up back to you Baltimore Bird Nest home.

IrinaZiv said...

Did anyone mentioned that these pictures and this experience are amazing... Oh, I guess they did... Enjoy every minute of it and hurry up home to your bird nest house...